Category Archives: adaptation

Recovering our waste – and our humanity

Glenorchy’s Recovery Shop is an object lesson in how to deal with waste Glenorchy, home of Mona, is doubly blessed. Before Mona there was the Tip Shop, or as it’s now known, the Recovery Shop, which this year celebrated 25 years in … Continue reading

Posted in adaptation, arts, environmental degradation, human behaviour, landfill, social mindsets, waste | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Recovering our waste – and our humanity

Imagining a future where justice prevails

Elite sports have many options to deal with climate change not available to most. A Hobart conference looks at how we deal with climate injustice. How much heat and humidity should halt tennis matches? When temperatures pass 40C should cricketers … Continue reading

Posted in adaptation, Adaptation, climate politics, climate system, education, extreme events, extreme events, future climate, human behaviour, leadership, psychology, science, sea level, Tasmanian politics, temperature | Comments Off on Imagining a future where justice prevails

A musical pathway to a better future

Science has all but closed the door on preventing damaging warming. Could creative arts help prise it open it again? The lows and highs, pain and pleasure of fighting the climate fight came to the fore last week when some … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptation, adaptation, carbon, carbon emissions and targets, changes to climate, climate system, coal-fired, community action, disruption, divestment, education, fossil fuels, future climate, psychology, public opinion, renewable energy, science, sea level, social and personal issues, social mindsets, solar, temperature, wind | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on A musical pathway to a better future