Category Archives: health

A rich greenie shares his secrets

Personal wealth and planetary health are not mutually exclusive, says Stuart Barry. When you think of international finance, what sorts of people come to mind? I’m guessing captains of capital, currency speculators, hedge fund managers, computer nerds; maybe Lamborghini salesmen, … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptation, Australian politics, biodiversity, carbon emissions and targets, carbon pricing scheme, carbon tax, changes to climate, climate politics, economic threat from climate, growth, health, human behaviour, investment, social and personal issues, Tasmanian politics, workplace issues | Comments Off on A rich greenie shares his secrets

Shooting people does nothing for addiction

“There is always a well-known solution to every human problem — neat, plausible, and wrong.” – H.L. Mencken Early this month, amid a furore over his country’s police killing thousands of drug dealers, Filipino president Rodrigo Duterte let it slip … Continue reading

Posted in Australian politics, health, human behaviour, international politics, psychology, social and personal issues | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Shooting people does nothing for addiction

Fleshing out the climate-health connection

A 2009 Lancet study put climate change at the top of the list of health threats this century, but the finding has yet to resonate with public health authorities. A Tasmanian public health specialist aims to change all that. [21 … Continue reading

Posted in bureaucracy, climate politics, education, environmental degradation, future climate, health, science, social and personal issues, Tasmanian politics, UCL-Lancet | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Fleshing out the climate-health connection