Tag Archives: Myron Ebell

Marrakech and the moving feast of climate politics

Could a Donald Trump presidency kill off effective global climate action? Politics is a game played around reality, which is to say it’s not about reality at all, but about what we’d like it to be. The UN climate meeting at … Continue reading

Posted in business, investment, employment, carbon, carbon emissions and targets, changes to climate, climate politics, climate system, contrarians, economic activity, extreme events, fossil fuels, international politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Marrakech and the moving feast of climate politics

The storm that stopped a nation

We shouldn’t need Sandy to remind us that time is running out to reduce global carbon emissions. [6 November 2012 | Peter Boyer] It takes a lot to stop a US presidential election campaign dead in its tracks. Last week’s … Continue reading

Posted in agriculture and farming, Arctic, built environment, carbon, carbon emissions and targets, cars, climate politics, climate system, contrarians, energy, energy conservation, energy efficiency, food, fossil fuels, future climate, human behaviour, international politics, land use, leadership, meteorology, natural events, oceanography, public opinion, science, social and personal issues, social mindsets, transport | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The storm that stopped a nation