Tag Archives: National Energy Guarantee

We all lose from Abbott’s climate vandalism

Tony Abbott may have lost the fight for Peter Dutton to become prime minister, but he has seen off Turnbull along with his minimal climate policy. There’s a good argument that the remarkable events of last week were simply our rough-hewn institution … Continue reading

Posted in Australian politics, carbon, carbon emissions and targets, carbon pricing scheme, carbon tax, coal-fired, contrarians, emissions trading, fossil fuels, renewable energy | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on We all lose from Abbott’s climate vandalism

How the government is digging itself into a hole

While the Turnbull government trumpets the success of its “energy guarantee”, business makes what plans it can for a renewable future The climate-energy debate continues to confound with its endless detours, allegations, subterfuges, spin, deception and downright lies. A fortnight … Continue reading

Posted in Australian politics, Australian Youth Climate Coalition, batteries, business interests, carbon, carbon emissions and targets, carbon pricing scheme, climate politics, disruption, economic activity, economic restructuring, electricity networks, energy, energy research, fossil fuels, gas-fired, investment, leadership, renewable energy, solar, Tasmanian politics, wind | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on How the government is digging itself into a hole